Looking after your finances throughout your life can bring to the fore a wide array of challenges. Central to these is unfortunately planning for unexpected events.
At Foresthill, as part of our financial planning process, we will discuss the impact that future unexpected events would have on your financial plan. It is our job to make you aware of these and provide you with some options that will give you peace of mind in relation to these potential events. The type of events we consider are:
- How to protect yourself financially in the event of being unable to work
- How to financially protect your family in the event of your death
- How to financially protect your employees & their families in the event of their death or illness
- How to protect your business in the event of death of you or another partner or key individual
The good news is that each of these situations can be managed from a financial viewpoint. With structured planning, you can face these challenges with greater confidence.
At Foresthill, we help you to prioritise these risks and identify a suitable level of financial protection to achieve your desired security. We also set out any taxation benefits that may be available to you to help reduce the cost. Once we know what you need, we then research the products that are available in the market to find the best one for you in terms of the benefits that would be payable and indeed the costs associated with them.
If you would like to find out more about how we can help you protect you and your family against unforeseen events, please give us a call.