What We Do

Who we are & what we stand for

Foresthill Financial Planning are a proprietary, fee-based  financial planning company based in Maynooth, Co Kildare. We offer an expert, impartial, whole-of-market financial planning advisory service, which is based on transparency, integrity and a long term relationship with our clients. We believe in putting you the client first.

What is good for our clients is good for us and what is not good for our clients is not good for us.

We are a LIFESTYLE business. Our aim is to help our clients grow old in financial security, and to grow old with them! Essentially, we are financial coaches… helping you on your journey to financial independence. In doing this, we consistently live by our core values.

What we do

Foresthill Financial Planning offer expert, professional advice to private clients who are, or who aspire to be, financially independent. We are a founder member of the Trusted Advisor Group, Ireland’s first fee-based broker network. As part of Trusted Advisor Group, we are supported by recognised market experts in the areas of investment, business strategy & development, marketing, actuarial consultancy and compliance. This allows us to compete very competitively with larger advisory companies in the market, while retaining our personal service and without their overhead costs.

We follow a robust and well-documented investment philosophy and advice process. We will work with you (and your other professional advisory partners) in creating the appropriate financial plans to enable you to reach your various financial goals. We can then help you to implement, review & monitor these plans to make sure you stay on track to reach your desired destination.